Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Do Tomorrow Job

How do we motivate ourselves so that every morning we have a new morale?

put this question can be answered with a very simple way, or answered in complex ways. If you read books written by authors expert motivational psychology Phd degree., Maybe you'll get the answers complex and complicated. But if you meet with the learner, the answer to the question above becomes very simple.

First, love what you do, love your work.

Every time you go to work imagine his final goal: success. Success in your job also means success for your family. Success is for the family you love, wife / husband, children, and maybe your parents. Imagine a successful family business thanks to you. This mental image will motivate your subconscious mind and move you to do your best to success.

This success can be felt at the time of the process of doing the job. You will feel happy, happy, and satisfied at work. That is an early sign that you're already on the right lane to success. Over time this happy feeling will spill out from within you to be enthusiastic. Your friends around you, including superiors, will be able to feel and see the enthusiasm in the work of this yourself.

Second, do tomorrow's jobs, today do work for tomorrow.

When you work and pending work (work yesterday), you are reactive. You'll be too busy responding to urgent problems (urgent) who came to you so that you will lack the time to think about what important things you need to do. Plan your own! That is the main and most important.

The principle of "do tomorrow's jobs" are a couple of times I've heard directly from a successful CEO of his practice. First, the CEO of a private bank where I worked before. Second, CEO of Action & Wisdom Motivation Training, Andrie Wongso. Andrie explained, the night before closing his eyes, we need to berpkir moment we plan the next day, so when I woke up the next day was disconnected to do. No, we just got up early thinkers willing to do anything. Thus, the motivation came from the evening, not in the morning.

This principle is very simple, that motivation nightfall. So at night should not be filled with the thought of a serem (floating) or the dugem (which makes flying), but think of the palace (a down-to-earth) alias that can realistically be done tomorrow morning. At night there is no point in regretting what has happened today, because you can not change it. At night I think about how you can work better, faster, more of today and yesterday. Thus, you have to plan tomorrow is better!

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